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Papers published in journals indexed in International Databases

Month Author(s)
2007 Aprilie Manea L, Manea I, Dima G Investigations concerning influence of some chemical pollutant factors about biomarkers health and environment Acta Universitatis Cibiniensis seria F 1221-4973 Revista nationala cotata CNCSIS, categoria B
2007 Octombrie Gorghiu, L., Dumitrescu, C., Olteanu, R. L., Jipa, S. Natural Compounds with Antioxidant Activity Bulletin of the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca 1843-5246 Revista nationala cotata CNCSIS, categoria B
2007 Octombrie Dumitrescu, C., Gorghiu, L. M., Olteanu, R. L., Bumbac, M. Natural Dyes in Tinctorial Practice Buletinul Universităţii de Ştiinţe Agricole si Medicină Veterinară, Cluj Napoca, Seria Agronomie 1843-5246 Revista nationala cotata CNCSIS, categoria B
2007 Octombrie Dumitrescu, C., Gorghiu, L.M., Olteanu, R.L., Gorghiu, G Consideration On Pupils’ Feedback Related to ICT Introduction in Natural Science Teaching Buletinul Universităţii de Ştiinţe Agricole si Medicină Veterinară, Cluj Napoca, Seria Horticultură 1843-5246 Revista nationala cotata CNCSIS, categoria B
2007 Octombrie Gorghiu, L.M., Gorghiu, G., Glava, A., Glava, C. Web-Based Methods in Science Area Teaching Buletinul Universităţii de Ştiinţe Agricole si Medicină Veterinară, Cluj Napoca, Seria Horticultură 1843-5246 Revista nationala cotata CNCSIS, categoria B
2007 Octombrie Gorghiu G., Alexandru A., Bîzoi M., Suduc A. M. The Crefen Database – A Way of Promoting the Energy Efficient Appliances in the Residential Sector Buletinul Universităţii de Ştiinţe Agricole si Medicină Veterinară, Cluj Napoca, Seria Horticultură 1843-5246 Revista nationala cotata CNCSIS, categoria B
2007 Mai Rădulescu C., Hossu A.-M., Ioniţă I., Moater E.-I., Stihi C. Environmental Impact of  Waste Waters Containing Organic Pollutants from Textile Industry Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov 1223-9631 Revista nationala cotata CNCSIS, categoria B
2007 Mai Stihi C., Popescu I.V., Gheboianu A., Frontasyeva M., Culicov O., Busuioc G., Constantinescu O., Gugiu M., Rădulescu C. Environmental Monitoring using Bioindicators and Atomic and Nuclear Techniques Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov 1223-9631 Revista nationala cotata CNCSIS, categoria B
2006 Iunie A. Ene, I.V. Popescu, T. Badica, C. Besliu Comparative Study of PIGE, PIXE and NAA Analytical Techniques for the Determination of Minor Elements in Steels Romanian Journal of Physics 1221-146X Revista nationala cotata CNCSIS, categoria B
2006 Iunie G. Dima, I.V. Popescu, C. Stihi, C. Oros, S. Dinu, L. Manea, Gh. Vlaicu Fe, Mn and Zn Concentrations Determination from Ialomita River by Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy Romanian Journal of Physics 1221-146X Revista nationala cotata CNCSIS, categoria B
2006 Aprilie I.V. Popescu, C. Stihi, A. Gheboianu, T. Badica, M.M. Gugiu, O. Constantinescu, M. Vargolici, I. Bancuta Air Quality Study by PIXE Method and Mosses as Bioindicators Romanian Journal of Physics 1221-146X Revista nationala cotata CNCSIS, categoria B
2006 Iunie A. Ene, I.V. Popescu, T. Badica Determination of Light Elements in Steel using Particle-Induced Prompt Gamma Ray Emission Romanian Journal uf Physics 1221-146X Revista nationala cotata CNCSIS, categoria B
2006 Septembrie Rădulescu C., Moater E. I., Hossu A.M., Ioniţă I. Monitoring des polluants des eaux residuelles resultant du processus de teinture des fibres synthetiques Scientific Study & Research, Univ. Bacău 1582-540X Revista nationala cotata CNCSIS, categoria B
2006 Septembrie Rădulescu C., Moater E. I., Hossu A.M., Ioniţă I Etude  comparative  des méthodes de  synthese  pour les systèmes compacts condenses avec un cycle thiazolo-indazolique Scientific Study & Research, Univ. Bacău 1582-540X Revista nationala cotata CNCSIS, categoria B
2006 Septembrie Ioniţă I., Albu A-M., Rădulescu C., Hossu A-M., Moater E.I. Domaines des applications des materiaux photochromiques Scientific Study & Research, Univ. Bacău 1582-540X Revista nationala cotata CNCSIS, categoria B
2006 Septembrie Hossu A-M., Rădulescu C., Ioniţă I., Moater E-I. Determination chromatographiques, spectrophotometriques et titrimetriques de vitamine C dans pharmaceutiques Scientific Study & Research, Univ. Bacău 1582-540X Revista nationala cotata CNCSIS, categoria B
2006 Septembrie Hossu A-M., Rădulescu C., Moater E-I., Ioniţă I. Methodes spectrophotometriques et chromatographiques pour la determination de la vitamine C Scientific Study & Research, Univ. Bacău 1582-540X Revista nationala cotata CNCSIS, categoria B
2006 Septembrie Moater, E. I., Rădulescu C., Ioniţă I., Hossu A-M. Adsorption competitive parmi surfactants et bleu de methylene a interface cotton/eau Scientific Study & Research, Univ. Bacău 1582-540X Revista nationala cotata CNCSIS, categoria B
2006 Septembrie Moater, E.I., Radulescu C., Hossu A.M., Ionita I Etude d’adsorption de chlorure de hexadecilpyridinium en presence de blue de methylene a interface cotton/eau Scientific Study & Research, Univ. Bacău 1582-540X Revista nationala cotata CNCSIS, categoria B
2006 Iunie Rădulescu C., Ioniţă I., Hossu A.M., Moater E. I. Kinetics of dyeing of synthetic fibres by disperse dyes derivatives from heterocyclic system 2-aminothiazolo[4,5-f] indazole Ovidius University Annals of Chemistry 1223-7221 Revista nationala cotata CNCSIS, categoria B
2006 Iunie Ioniţă I., Albu A.M., Rădulescu C, Hossu A.M., Moater E. I Dyes with potential application in photochromic materials Ovidius University Annals of Chemistry 1223-7221 Revista nationala cotata CNCSIS, categoria B
2006 Iunie Rădulescu Cristiana, Ioniţă, I., Hossu, A.M., Tărăbăşanu-Mihailă, C., Moater E. I. Disperse dyes derivatives of compact condensed system 2-aminothiazolo[4,5-f]indazole. synthesis and characterization Ovidius University Annals of Chemistry 1223-7221 Revista nationala cotata CNCSIS, categoria B
2006 Iunie Hossu, A.M., Rădulescu Cristiana, Ioniţă, I., Hossu, D The influence of the temperature on the stability analysis of vitamin E in pharmaceutical products Ovidius University Annals of Chemistry 1223-7221 Revista nationala cotata CNCSIS, categoria B
2006 Septembrie Bancuta, A, Stihi, C, Popescu, IV, Badica, T, Cimpoca, GV Elemental analysis of aerosols using PIXE method JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES 1742-6588 Revista internationala necotata ISI
2006 Noiembrie Stihi, C, Bancuta, A, Popescu, IV, Virgolici, M, Cimpoca, V, Gugiu, M, Vlaicu, G Air pollution studies using PIXE and ICP methods   JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES 1742-6588 Revista internationala necotata ISI
2006 Septembrie A. Ene, I.V. Popescu, T. Badica, C. Besliu Comparative Study of PIGE, PIXE and NAA Analytical Techniques for the Determination of Minor Elements in Steels Romanian Journal of Physics 1221-146X Revista nationala cotata CNCSIS, categoria B
2006 Septembrie G. Dima, I.V. Popescu, C. Stihi, C. Oros, S. Dinu, L. Manea, Gh. Vlaicu Fe, Mn and Zn Concentrations Determination from Ialomita River by Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy Romanian Journal of Physics 1221-146X Revista nationala cotata CNCSIS, categoria B
2005 Septembrie Rădulescu C., Ioniţă, I., Hossu, A.M., Tărăbăşanu-Mihailă, C., Moater E. I. Disperse Dyes Derivatives Oof Compact Condensed System 2-Aminothiazolo [4,5-F] Indazole. Synthesis and Characterization Ovidius University Annals of Chemistry 1223-7221 Revista nationala cotata CNCSIS, categoria B
2005 Septembrie Hossu, A.M., Rădulescu Cristiana, Ioniţă, I., Hossu, D The Influence of the Temperature on the Stability Analysis of Vitamin E in Pharmaceutical Products Ovidius University Annals of Chemistry  1223-7221 Revista nationala cotata CNCSIS, categoria B
2005 Aprilie Ene, A., Popescu, I.V., Bădica, T. Multielemental Analysis of Steel via Atomic and Nuclear Methods Romanian Journal of Physics 1221-146X Revista nationala cotata CNCSIS, categoria B
2005 August Ene, A., Popescu, I.V., Bădica, T. Determination of Manganese in Steels using Proton-Induced Nuclear Reactions Romanian Journal of Physics 1221-146X Revista nationala cotata CNCSIS, categoria B
2005 Octombrie Stihi, C., Popescu, I.V., Băncuţă, A., Stihi, V., Vlaicu, Gh.  Inductively Coupled Plasma (Icp) and Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Measurements of Surface Waters from Ialomita River Romanian Journal of Physics 1221-146X Revista nationala cotata CNCSIS, categoria B
2004 August Cojocaru V., Stefanescu Irina, Badica T., Popescu I.V. New recommended upper limits for dipol gamma-ray stenghts Romanian Journal of Physics 1221-146X Revista nationala cotata CNCSIS, categoria B
2004 August Ciupina V., Popescu I.V., Stihi Claudia, Bancuta Anca, Busuioc Gabriela, Dima G., Belc M., Vlaicu Gh Environmental samples analysis by atomic absorbtion spectrometry emission spectroscopy and inductively coupled plasma - optical  Romanian Journal of Physics 1221-146X Revista nationala cotata CNCSIS, categoria B
2004 Octombrie Stihi Claudia, Popescu I.V., Bancuta Anca, Busuioc Gabriela Elemental analysis of vegetables and soil by the pixe method Romanian Journal of Physics 1221-146X Revista nationala cotata CNCSIS, categoria B
2004 Octombrie Popescu I.V., Belc M., Anghel Iuliana Heavy metals determination in soil of "palas" thermoelectric power-station Romanian Journal of Physics 1221-146X Revista nationala cotata CNCSIS, categoria B
2004 Septembrie Rădulescu Cristiana, Ioniţă, I., Hossu, A.M. Some methods for synthesis of compact condensed system 2-aminothiazolo[4,5-f] indazole synthesis Ovidius University Annals of Chemistry  1223-7221 Revista nationala cotata CNCSIS, categoria B
2003 Aprilie I.A.Ivan, V. Cimpoca, N. Olariu, M. Grottke, V. Dogaru, A. Jelea Caracterization and comparing between silicon and cuinse2 photovoltaic modules Romanian Journal of Physics 1221-146X Revista nationala cotata CNCSIS, categoria B
2003 Aprilie V. Cimpoca, M. Enache, V. Stihi, T.C. Bobe Microactuator for microfluidics Romanian Journal of Physics 1221-146X Revista nationala cotata CNCSIS, categoria B
2003 August V. Cimpoca, I. Cernica, O. Bute Radiation damage effect on x-ray silicon detectors Romanian Journal of Physics 1221-146X Revista nationala cotata CNCSIS, categoria B
2003 Octombrie L.M. Gorghiu, C. Dumitrescu, R.L. Olteanu, M. Bumbac, S. Jipa Comparative study of some calix[n]arenes and other phenolic compounds influence on the thermal stability of ldpe Romanian Reports of Physics 1221-146X Revista nationala cotata CNCSIS, categoria B
2003 Aprilie I. Manea, L. Manea, G. Dima The study of contamination with heavy metals of alimentar products Scientifical Researches, Agroalimentary processes and technologies, Ed. Agroprint, Timişoara 1453-1399 Revista nationala cotata CNCSIS, categoria B
2003 Octombrie Stihi, C., Popescu, I.V., Ciupina, V., Bancuţă, A., Busuioc, G., Stihi, V., Dima, G., Belc, M., Vlaicu, Gh. Inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectroscopy (icp-oes) and atomic absorbtion spectrophotometry (AAS) in environmental analysis Romanian Journal of Physics 1221-146X Revista nationala cotata CNCSIS, categoria B
2003 Octombrie Popescu, I.V., Ciupina, V., Stihi, C., Băncuţă, A., Belc, M., Busuioc, G., Bădică, T., Vlaicu, Gh. Trace elements analysis by PIXE (particle induced X-ray excitation) and aas (atomic absorbtion spectrometry) from environmental samples Romanian Journal of Physics 1221-146X Revista nationala cotata CNCSIS, categoria B
2003 Octombrie Dima, G., Manea, L., Popescu, I.V., Bădică, T., Stihi, C. PIXE And ICP Analysis of Ca, P And Mg in the Downer Cow Syndrome Romanian Journal of Physics 1221-146X Revista nationala cotata CNCSIS, categoria B
2003 Octombrie Mihai, M., Popescu, I.V. Physical-Mathematical Model for Cybernetic Description of Human Organs with Input Variables – The Trace Elements Concentrations Romanian Journal of Physics 1221-146X Revista nationala cotata CNCSIS, categoria B
2003 Octombrie Mihai, M., Popescu, I.V. The Determination of the Optimal Composition of the Drinking Water Based on the Trace Element Spectrum in the Human Plasma Romanian Journal of Physics 1221-146X Revista nationala cotata CNCSIS, categoria B
2003 Octombrie Ene, A., Popescu, I.V., Bădica, T., Olariu, A. Coincidence Method for the Analysis of the Minor Elements in Steel by Proton And Deuteron Induced Prompt Gamma-Ray Emission Romanian Journal of Physics 1221-146X Revista nationala cotata CNCSIS, categoria B
2003 Octombrie Oros, C. Some Experimental Results of Mechanoluminiscence Induced by Laser Romanian Journal of Physics 1221-146X Revista nationala cotata CNCSIS, categoria B