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Papers presented at International Conferences

Year Month Author(s) Paper title
2008   Rădulescu Cristiana, Ionica Ioniţă, Elena Irina Moater, Claudia Stihi Systèmes compacts condensées thiazole – pyridiniques avec activité biologique Le Cinquieme Colloque Franco-roumain De Chimie Appliquée, COFrROCA Bacau, Romania, 29 juin – 2 julliet 2008, publicata in Scientific Study & Research, vol. VIII 2008 ISSN 1582-540X
2008   Elena Irina Moater, Rădulescu Cristiana, Ionica Ionita Etude d’interaction parmi les surfactants cationiques et polymères Le Cinquieme Colloque Franco-roumain De Chimie Appliquée, Bacau, Romania, 29 juin – 2 julliet 2008, publicata in Scientific Study & Research, vol. VIII 2008 ISSN 1582-540X 
2008   Ionica Ioniţă, Ana Maria Albu, Rădulescu Cristiana, Elena Irina Moater Phénomènes et mécanismes photoinduit dans le matériaux photochromiques Le Cinquieme Colloque Franco-roumain De Chimie Appliquée, Bacau, Romania, 29 juin – 2 julliet 2008, publicata in Scientific Study & Research, vol. VIII 2008 ISSN 1582-540X
2008   Popescu, C. Stihi, A. Gheboianu, C. Radulescu, M. Belc M. Frontasyeva, O. Culicov Atomic Absorption Spectrometry and Neutron Activation Analysis Methods applied in environmental studies using mosses as bioindicators ISINN-16, 16th International Seminar on Interaction of Neutrons with Nuclei: „Fundamental Interaction and Neutrons, Nuclear Structure, Ultracold Neutrons, Related Topics”, Dubna Rusia
2008   Rădulescu Cristiana, Hossu, ana Maria MoaterElena Irina, Ioniţă Ionica Treatment of blue cationic dyes from textile waste waters using advanced oxidation processes 1st International Conference, Environmental-Natural Sciences-Food Industry in European Context, ENSFI 2007- Proceedings, Baia Mare, România, 15-17 November 2007, p. 101-106, ISBN 978-973-1729-39-8 
2008   V. Dinoiu, L. Lungu, M. Savoiu, M. Voicescu, T. Zaharescu, S. Jipa Antioxidant activity of some natural extracts obtained by ultrasounds assisted extraction 11th Meeting of the European Society of Sonochemistry, Iunie 1 – 5, 2008, p. 167 – 168, La Grande – Motte, France
2008   S. Jipa, M. Lungulescu, T. Setnescu, D. Ilie, A. Mantsch, T. Zaharescu Chemiluminescence diagnosis of the degradation state of irradiated LDPE insulating materials MoDeSt 2008, Septembrie 7 – 11, Liege, Palais de Congres, Belgium
2008   T. Setnescu, M. Lungulescu, E. Oprea, S. Jipa, D. Ilie, R. Setnescu Antioxidative effect of Salvia and Lonicera extracts in thermal oxidation of PP as studied by chemiluminescence MoDeSt 2008, Septembrie 7 – 11, Liege, Palais de Congres, Belgium
2008   F. Ciuprina, T. Zaharescu, S. Jipa, I. Pleşa, P.V. Notinger, D. Panaitescu Inorganic nanofiller modified PVC. Dielectric properties and thermal stability MoDeSt 2008, Septembrie 7 – 11, Liege, Palais de Congres, Belgium
2008   T. Zaharescu, S. Jipa, D.A. Mariş, M. Mariş, W. Kappel Effects of Rosemary extract on the radiation stability UHMWPE MoDeSt 2008, Septembrie 7 – 11, Liege, Palais de Congres, Belgium
2008   B. Mariş, M. Mariş, S. Jipa, T. Zaharescu, D. Lungu, G. Samoilescu Applications of natural substances with bio-protectoraction in oral medicine 19th DAAAM International Symposium 2008, Slovacia, septembrie 2008
2008   C. Mariş, M. Mariş, T. Zaharescu, S. Jipa, D. Lungu, G. Samoilescu Improvement in the oxidation resistance of EVA modified with rosemary extract 19th DAAAM International Symposium 2008, Slovacia, septembrie 2008
2008   D. Grosu, T. Zaharescu, S. Jipa, E. Nemeş, M. Rapa, M. Stanica The use of some natural antioxidants in obtaining of improved polymeric materials for medical applications European Conference on Medical Polymers, Septembrie 2 – 4 2008, Polymer Processing Research Centre, Queen’s University Belfast
2008   I. Ioniţă, A;-M. Albu, C. Rădulescu, E. I. Moater, V. Gheorghe Cimpoca, M. Gîrtu The analytical control of some photochromic materials 9th International Balkan Workshop on Applied Physics, 7 - 9 July 2008, Constanta, Romania
2008   E. I. Moater,  I. Ioniţă, C. Rădulescu The spectrophotometric and tensiometric study of alkyl polyglucosides surfactant with acid dyes 9th International Balkan Workshop on Applied Physics, IBWAP 2008, 7 - 9 July 2008, Constanta, Romania
2008   Ioniţă Ionica, Ana – Maria albu, Cornel Tărăbăşanu Mihailă, Cristiana Rădulescu, Elena Irina Moater Synthesis and characterization of photochromic polymeric materials ATOM-N 2008, 4th International Conference „Advanced Topics in Optoelectronics, Microelectronics and Nanotechnologies”, 28-31 August, Constanta, Romania
2008   C. Rădulescu, E.I. Moater, I. Ioniţă Photostabilization methods of blue cationic dyes applied on polyacrylic fibres XXIInd IUPAC Symposium on Photochemistry, 28 July – 01 August 2008, Gothenburg, Sweden
2008   I. Ioniţă, A.M. Albu, C. Rădulescu, E.I. Moater Analytical methods used for characterization of some photochromic materials XXIInd IUPAC Symposium on Photochemistry, 28 July – 01 August 2008, Gothenburg, Sweden
2008   E. I. Moater,  I. Ioniţă, C. Rădulescu The spectrophotometric study of some surfactant with dyes XXIInd IUPAC Symposium on Photochemistry, 28 July – 01 August 2008, Gothenburg, Sweden
2007 Septembrie M. Lungulescu, T.Zaharescu, Silviu Jipa, R. Setnescu, T.Setnescu Chemiluminescence study on gamma-irradiated EPDM/IIR blends 5-th Conference – New research trends in material science, ARM 5, Sibiu, Romania
2007 Septembrie T. Setnescu, M. Lungulescu, Silviu Jipa, R. Setnescu, T.Zaharescu Comparative study on the chemiluminescence from gamma irradiated LDPE and metallocene LLDPE both stabilized by a HALS 5-th Conference – New research trends in material science, ARM 5, Sibiu, Romania
2007 Septembrie Silviu Jipa Chemiluminescence applied to air pollutants assessment 5-th Conference – New research trends in material science, ARM 5, Sibiu, Romania
2007 Septembrie Mihai, T. Zaharescu, Silviu Jipa, L. Silva, C. Oros The assesment of thermal stability of radioprocessed UHMWPE 5-th Conference – New research trends in material science, ARM 5, Sibiu, Romania
2007 Septembrie Crinela Dumitrescu, R.L. Olteanu, M. Bumbac, L.M. Gorghiu, Silviu Jipa, T. Zaharescu Antioxidant effect of some flavonoids in organic substrate 5-th Conference – New research trends in material science, ARM 5, Sibiu, Romania
2007 Octombrie Crinela Dumitrescu, Laura Monica Gorghiu, R. L. Olteanu, G. Gorghiu Consideration on Pupils’ Feedback Related to ICT Introduction in Natural Science Teaching The 6th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” – University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
2007 Octombrie Laura Monica Gorghiu, G. Gorghiu, Adina Glava, C. Glava  Web-Based Methods in Science Area Teaching The 6th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” – University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
2007 Octombrie S. Jipa, T. Zaharescu, W. Kappel, Laura Monica Gorghiu, C. Dumitrescu  Antioxidant and free radical scaveging activity of vegetal polyphenols in organic substrate degradation ISPST 8th International Seminar on Polymer Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran
2007 Iunie Laura Monica Gorghiu FISTE – A Future Way for In-Service Teacher Training across Europe" – An European Comenius 2.1 Project Experience Dissemination Seminar: ICT in Education – Reflections and Perspectives, Bucureşti, organizat în cadrul proiectului 118766-CP-1-2004-1-RO-COMENIUS-C21 “FISTE – A Future Way for In-Service Teacher Training Across Europe”:
2007 Iunie Laura Monica Gorghiu, G. Gorghiu  Attending an European On-Line Course – Interpretation of the Teachers’ Reactions Dissemination Seminar: ICT in Education – Reflections and Perspectives, Bucureşti, organizat în cadrul proiectului 118766-CP-1-2004-1-RO-COMENIUS-C21 “FISTE – A Future Way for In-Service Teacher Training Across Europe”:
2007 Iunie R. L. Olteanu, Crinela Dumitrescu, G. Gorghiu, Laura Monica Gorghiu  A Pupils Perception Concerning the Implementation of  ICT in the Classroom Dissemination Seminar: ICT in Education – Reflections and Perspectives, Bucureşti, organizat în cadrul proiectului 118766-CP-1-2004-1-RO-COMENIUS-C21 “FISTE – A Future Way for In-Service Teacher Training Across Europe”:
2007 Iunie Crinela Dumitrescu, R.L. Olteanu Aspects of the tutoring activities deployed in the frame of the course Integrating ICT in traditional training Dissemination Seminar: ICT in Education – Reflections and Perspectives, Bucureşti, organizat în cadrul proiectului 118766-CP-1-2004-1-RO-COMENIUS-C21 “FISTE – A Future Way for In-Service Teacher Training Across Europe”:
2007 Septembrie Jipa S., Zaharescu T., Kappel, W., Setnescu, T., Lungulescu, M., Olteanu, R.L. Vegetal polyphenols as antioxidant in polymers 5-th Conference – New research trends in material science, ARM 5, Sibiu, Romania
2007 Iulie M. Secu, C. E. Secu, T. Zaharescu, S. Jipa, M. Cutrubinis High temperature thermoluminescence of Mn2+ - doped MgF2 phosphor for personal dosimetry 15th International Conference on Solid State Dosimetry, Delft, Netherlands
2007 Septembrie Rădulescu, C, Hossu, AM, Ioniţă, I, Moater, EI The monitoring and degradation of some organic pollutants from waste waters resulted from textile industry 4th Black Sea Basin Conference on Analytical Chemistry (4th BBCAC) Sunny Beach, Bulgaria
2007 Septembrie Moater, EI, Rădulescu, C, Hossu, AM, Ioniţă The absorption study of cationic surfactants in presence of dyes on the cotton/water interface 4th Black Sea Basin Conference on Analytical Chemistry (4th BBCAC) Sunny Beach, Bulgaria
2007 Septembrie Ioniţă, I, Rădulescu, C, Hossu, AM, Moater, EI The analytical control of some photochromic dyes 4th Black Sea Basin Conference on Analytical Chemistry (4th BBCAC) Sunny Beach, Bulgaria
2007 Noiembrie Anca Gheboianu, I.V. Popescu, C. Stihi, M. Frontasyeva, O. Culicov, G. Busuioc, V. Cimpoca, I. Bancuta Air polution monitoring using INAA technique and mosses as biindicators International Conference Environment Natural Sciences Food Idustry, Baia Mare
2007 Noiembrie Stihi C., Popescu, I.V., Gheboianu A., Bancuta I., Pantelica A., Vlaicu G.  Application of particle induced X-ray emission analysis to vegetable samples International Conference Environment Natural Sciences Food Idustry, Baia Mare
2007 Noiembrie Radulescu C., Hossu A.M., Moater I.M., Ionica I. Treatment of blue cationic dyes from textile wastewaters using advanced oxidation processes International Conference Environment Natural Sciences Food Idustry, Baia Mare
2007 Noiembrie Ionita I., Radulescu C., Moater I.M., Hossu A.M The UV/VIS spectrophotometric characterization of some azo dyes International Conference Environment Natural Sciences Food Idustry, Baia Mare
2007 Noiembrie Moater E.I., Rădulescu C., Hossu A.M., Ioniţa I., Hossu A.M.  The adsorption study of alkyl polyglucosides non-ionic surfactants in presence of dyes on the cotton/water interface International Conference Environment Natural Sciences Food Idustry, Baia Mare
2007 Noiembrie Hossu A.M, Radulescu C., Ilie M., Ionica I., Moater E.M The quantification of vitamin A from pharmaceuticals by UV/VIS International Conference Environment Natural Sciences Food Idustry, Baia Mare
2007   Moater Elena Irina, Rădulescu Cristiana, Ioniţă Ionica, Hossu Ana-Maria The adsorption study of alkyl polyglucosides non-ionic surfactants in presence of dyes on the cotton/water interface 1st International Conference, Environmental-Natural Sciences-Food Industry in European Context, ENSFI 2007-Proceedings Baia Mare, România, 15-17 November 2007, p. 147-151, ISBN 978-973-1729-39-8  
2007   Ioniţă Ionica, Rădulescu Cristiana, Moater Elena Irina, Hossu Ana-Maria The UV/VIS spectrophotometric characterization of some azo dyes 1st International Conference, Environmental-Natural Sciences-Food Industry in European Context, ENSFI 2007 Proceedings Baia Mare, România, 15-17 November 2007 p. 137-140, ISBN 978-973-1729-39-8  
2007   Hossu Ana-Maria, Radulescu Cristiana, Ilie Mihaela, Ionita Ionica, Moater Elena-Irina The quantification of vitamin a from pharmaceuticals by UV/VIS spectrophotometry and fluorescence 1st International Conference, Environmental-Natural Sciences-Food Industry in European Context, ENSFI 2007-Proceedings Baia Mare, România, 15-17 November 2007, p. 160-165, ISBN 978-973-1729-39-8
2006 Mai C. Stihi, I.V.Popescu, a.Bancuta, Gh.V.Cimpoca, G.Busuioc, T.Badica, Gh.Vlaicu PIXE and ICP measurements of vegetal leaves XIV International Seminar on Interaction of Neutrons with Nuclei,  Dubna, Russia
2006 Iulie A. Bancuta, C. Stihi, I.V.Popescu, M.Frontasyeva, O.Culicov, G.Busuioc, V. Cimpoca, O.Constantinescu, M.Gugiu, A.Ene INAA and PIXE methods applied to environmental biomonitoring The 7th International Balkan Workshop on Applied Physics
2006 August I.V.Popescu, A.Ene, C.Stihi, A. Bancuta, G.Dima, T.BAdica, V.Ghisa Analytical applications of Particle Induced X-ray Emission (PIXE) The 6th International Conference of the Balkan Physical Union, Istanbul, Turkey
2006 August A.Ene, I.V.Popescu, T.Badica Multi-elemental analysis of steel by combined nuclear techniques The 6th International Conference of the Balkan Physical Union, Istanbul, Turkey
2006 Septembrie C. Stihi, G. Busuioc, I.V. Popescu, T. Badica, A. Bancuta, O. Bute, V. Stihi Vegetals leaves as bioindicators of heavy metal environmental pollution The International Conference of Physical Chemistry, ROMPHYSCHEM-12, Bucuresti
2006 Noiembrie G. Gorghiu, L.M. Gorghiu, R.L. Olteanu, C. Dumitrescu Pedagogical use of ICT – An Analysis Based on the Teachers’ Opinions Proceedings of  The Fourth International Conference On Multimedia & Ict’s In Education Seville, Spania
2006 Noiembrie C. Dumitrescu, R.L. Olteanu, L.M. Gorghiu, G. Gorghiu Related Aspects to the Impact of ICTt’s Implementation in the Teaching Process Proceedings of  The Fourth International Conference On Multimedia & Ict’s In Education Seville, Spania
2006 Iunie Rădulescu C., Moater E. I., Ioniţă I., Hossu A.M. Monitoring dDes Polluants des Eaux Residuelles Resultant du Processus de Teinture des Fibres Synthetiques Acts du quatrième Colloque Franco-Roumain de Chemie Applique, COFrROCA 2006, Clermont-Ferrand, France
2006 Iunie Rădulescu C., Hossu A.M., Moater E. I, Ioniţă I. Étude Comparative des Méthodes de Synthèse pour les Systèmes Compact Condenses avec un Cycle Thiazolo-Indazolique Acts du quatrième Colloque Franco-Roumain de Chemie Applique, COFrROCA 2006, Clermont-Ferrand, France
2006 Iunie Hossu A.M., Rădulescu C., Moater E. I., Ioniţă  Determination Chromatographiques, Spectrophotometriques et Titrimetriques de Vitamine C dans Pharmaceutiques Acts du quatrième Colloque Franco-Roumain de Chemie Applique, COFrROCA 2006, Clermont-Ferrand, France
2006 Iunie Hossu A.M., Rădulescu C., Ioniţă I., Moater E. I Methodes Spectrophotometriques et Chromatographiques pour la Determination de la Vitamine C Acts du quatrième Colloque Franco-Roumain de Chemie Applique, COFrROCA 2006, Clermont-Ferrand, France
2006 Iunie Ioniţă I., Albu A. M., Rădulescu C., Hossu A.M., Moater E. I. Domaines des Applications des Materiaux Photochromiques Acts du quatrième Colloque Franco-Roumain de Chemie Applique, COFrROCA 2006, Clermont-Ferrand, France
2006 Iunie Moater E. I., Rădulescu C., Hossu A.M., Ioniţă I. Adsorption Competitive Parmi Surfactants et Bleu de Methylene a Interface Cotton/Eau Acts du quatrième Colloque Franco-Roumain de Chemie Applique, COFrROCA 2006, Clermont-Ferrand, France
2006 Iunie Moater E. I., Rădulescu C., Ioniţă I., Hossu A.M., Etude D’adsorption de Chlorure de Hexadecilpyridinium en Presence de Blue de Methylene a Interface Cotton/Eau Acts du quatrième Colloque Franco-Roumain de Chemie Applique, COFrROCA 2006, Clermont-Ferrand, France
2006 Aprilie S. Jipa, T. Zaharescu, W. Kappel, R. Setnescu, C. Oros RTL Investigation on the Radiochemical Oxidation of Polyolefins POLICHAR-14”International Forum on Polymer Characterization” Nara, Japan
2006 Septembrie S. Jipa, T. Zaharescu, R. Setnescu, W. Kappel, C. Oros, L.M. Gorghiu RTL Study of Structural Modifications or Irradiated PTFE IRAP-7th Int. Ioniz. Rad., Antalya, Turkey
2006 Septembrie T. Zaharescu, R. Setnescu, S. Jipa, T. Setnescu, M. Dumitru Radiochemical Degradation of EPDM/PP Compounds IRAP-7th Int. Ioniz. Rad., Antalya, Turkey
2006 Septembrie S. Jipa, T. Zaharescu, W. Kappel, R. Setnescu, T. Setnescu, M. Dumitru, C. Oros RTL System Based on MgF2 for Personal Gamma Dosimetry Fourth Int. Conf. on Materials and Manufactoring Technologies, Matehn’06, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
2006 Septembrie T. Zaharescu, S. Jipa, W. Kappel, P. Supaphol, R. Setnescu, M. Dumitru Radiation Stability of Polypropylene Nanocomposites Fourth Int. Conf. on Materials and Manufactoring Technologies, Matehn’06, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
2006 Iunie N. Bălaşa, R. Setnescu, M. Kaci, T. Setnescu, S. Jipa, I. Mihalcea, M. Dumitru, M. Lungulescu Chemiluminescence from Oxidation of Aged LDPE and I-PP Containing HALS Proceedings of  The 5th Joint Int. Conf. ”Materials for Electrical Engineering” MMDE, Bucharest
2006 Septembrie N. Bălaşa, R. Setnescu, T. Setnescu, S. Jipa, I. Mihalcea, M. Dumitru, M. Lungulescu Chemiluminescence from Oxidation of some Edible Oils Int. Conf. of  Physical Chemistry – Romphyschem-12, Bucharest
2006 Aprilie T. Zaharescu, Silviu Jipa, W. Kappel, P. Supaphol The control of thermal and radiation of polypropylene containing nanocarbonate POLICHAR-14”International Forum on Polymer Characterization” Nara, Japan
2006 Iunie Silviu Jipa, T. Zaharescu, W. Kappel, C. Oros The structural modification detected by radiothermoluminescence investigation on polyolefin insulators The 5th International Workshop “Materials for Electrical Engeneering “ MmdE, Bucuresti, Romania
2006 Iunie T. Zaharescu, F. Ciuprina, Silviu Jipa Conductivity measurements on polyolefin insulation in blends The 5th International Workshop “Materials for Electrical Engeneering “ MmdE, Bucuresti, Romania
2006 Septembrie I. A. Ivan, R. Bourquin, Gh. V. Cimpoca Precise Temperature and Force Sensing with Quartz Thickness-Shear Resonators 51st IWK, Technische Universität Ilmenau, Germania
2005 Septembrie C.Oros, S.Dinu, G.Dima, C.Stihi, M.Voicu Some applications on laser material processing 23 rd International Physics Congress, Mugla, Turkey
2005 Septembrie G.Dima, L.Manea, I.V.Popescu, C.Stihi,C.Oros, S.Dinu,G.Vlaicu AAS analysis of water samples from Dambovita region 23 rd International Physics Congress, Mugla, Turkey
2005 Septembrie C.Stihi,I.V.Popescu, C.Oros,  A.Bancuta, G.Dima,M.Gugiu, T.Badica Environmental monitoring by Mosses technique and PIXE method 23 rd International Physics Congress, Mugla, Turkey
2005 Iulie T.Badica,, I.V.Popescu,, V.Cojocaru, R. Dumitrescu, O.Guguianu, C.Oros. M.Petre, A.Gheboianu Excited levels scheme of 69As nucleus 6th International Balkan Workshop on Applied Physics
2005 Iunie V.A.Morozov, N.V.Morozova, T.Badica,, Gh. Cata-Danil, D.Ghita, I.V.Popescu Measurement of 57Fe 14.4 keV state   half-life by singl-crystal scintillation time spectrometer «Frontiers in the Physics of Nucleus», St. Petersburg, Russian
2005 Iulie T. Badica, I.V. Popescu, Irina Stefanescu, V. Cojocaru, R. Dumitrescu, Olga Guguianu, C. Oros, M. Petre, Anca Gheb Excited levels scheme of the 69As nucleus The 6th International Balkan Workshop on Applied Physics
2005 Iulie C. Stihi, A. Gheboianu, I.V. Popescu, T. Badica, M. Gugiu, I. Bancuta, S. Apostol Air pollution monitoring using PIXE method and mosses as bioindicators The 6th International Balkan Workshop on Applied Physics
2005 Septembrie A. Bancuta, Claudia Stihi, I.V. Popescu, T. Badica Elemental analysis of aerosols using PIXE method European Conference on New Trends in Nuclear Physics Applications and Tehnologies NPDC19, Pavia, Italy
2005 Septembrie C. Stihi, I.V. Popescu Gh. Vlaicu, A. Bancuta, T. Badica Air pollution studies using PIXE and ICP methods European Conference on New Trends in Nuclear Physics Applications and Tehnologies NPDC19, Pavia, Italy
2005 Iunie G. Gorghiu, Laura Monica Gorghiu, V. González Fernández, A. Garcia De La Santa Webquest in the Classroom – Analysis of it’s Impact The Third International Conference on Multimedia & ICT’s in Education, Caceres , Spania
2005 Iunie V. González Fernández, A. Garcia De La Santa, G. Gorghiu, L. M. Gorghiu BSCW as a Support System for Distance Teacher Training The Third International Conference on Multimedia & ICT’s in Education, Caceres , Spania
2005 Mai G. Gorghiu, Laura Monica Gorghiu, V. González Fernández, A. Garcia de la Santa Cooperative learning using BSCW electronic platforme International Conference “Quality Teaching for Quality Learning: Education for Critical Thinking“, Cluj Napoca
2004 Iulie Ion V. Popescu, T.Badica, E.Dragulescu The structure of 67Ge and 67As in the interaction Boson-Fermion model 5th International Balkan Workshop on Applied Physics
2004 Iulie T.Petisleam, Ion V.Popescu, V.Ciupina, M.Belc Trace elements from marine environmental samples of Black-Sea determined by Atomic Absorption Spectrometry 5th International Balkan Workshop on Applied Physics
2004 Iulie A.Ene, Ion V.Popescu, T.Badica Determination of manganese in steels using proton-induced nuclear reactions  5th International Balkan Workshop on Applied Physics
2004 Septembrie Bancuta, I.V. Popescu, M.Belc Atomic absorbtion spectrometry in leaves trees analysis  The 4th In ternational Balkan School on Nuclear Physics, Bodrum, Turkey
2004 Septembrie Jipa S., Zaharescu T., Marcuta Mihaela, Gorghiu Laura Monica, Dumitrescu Crinela Synergistic Effects of EB Irradiation and Heat on EVA Electrical Insulator Ionizing Radiation and Polymers - Proceedings Of The 6 th International Symposium on Ionizing Radiation and Polymers, Houffalize, Belgium
2004 Mai Setnescu R., Kaci M., Tanta Setnescu, Silviu J., Zaharescu T., Balasa Nicoleta, Mihalcea I. Thermooxidative Stability of Irradiated Polyethylene containing Hals The 4 th International Workshop "Materials For Electrotechnics", Bucharest
2004 Mai Setnescu R. , Marcuta Mihaela, Jipa S., Setnescu Tanta, Dumitru Madalina, Balasa Nicoleta, Mihalcea I., Marin Gh. CL Method in Investigation of Quality of Raw Meterials and Products in Manufacture of Heat Shrinkable Polyethylene Products The 4 th International Workshop "Materials For Electrotechnics", Bucharest
2004 Mai Setnescu R., Dumitru Madalina, Setnescu Tanta, Jipa S., Zaharescu T., Codescu Mirela, Kapell W. Flexible Nd-Fe-B Plastic Magnets with High Magnetic Properties The 4 th International Workshop "Materials For Electrotechnics", Bucharest
2004 Septembrie Zaharescu T., Kaci M., Setnescu R., Jipa S. Thermal Stability Evaluation of Irradiated Polypropylene Protected with Grafted Amine IRAP 2004 6 th International Symposium on Ionizing Radiation and Polymers
2004 Septembrie Zaharescu T., Podina C., Jipa Silviu Modifications of EPDM by Gamma Irradiation In Hydrocarbon Environments IRAP 2004 6 th International Symposium on Ionizing Radiation and Polymers
2004 Mai Radulescu Cristiana, Ionita Ionica, Hossu Ana-Maria Cationic Dyes Derivatives from Heterocycle System 2-Aminothiazolo [5,4-B]Quinoxalin-7-Carboxilic Acid 10-th International Conference Colorchem'04-Pardubice, Czech Republic
2004 Mai Radulescu Cristiana, Ionita Ionica, Hossu Ana-Maria Pharmatodynamic Activity of Cationic Dyes Derivatives of Compact Condensed System 2-Aminothiazolo[5,4]-Quinoxalin-7-Carboxilic Acid 10-th International Conference Colorchem'04-Pardubice, Czech Republic
2004 Septembrie Radulescu Cristiana, Ionita Ionica, Hossu Ana-Maria Synthese des Systemes Compacts Condenses avec un Cycle Thiazolique Actes du Troisième Clloque FrancoRoumain de Chemie Appliquée - COFrRoCA, Bacau
2004 Septembrie Radulescu Cristiana, Ionita Ionica, Hossu Ana-Maria Aspects Pharmacologique des Nouveau Systemes Compacts Condenses avec un Cycle Thiazolique Actes du Troisième Clloque FrancoRoumain de Chemie Appliquée - COFrRoCA, Bacau
2004 Septembrie Hossu Ana-Maria, Radulescu Cristiana, Ionita Ionica Etude Comparative des Methodes Spectrophotometries D'analyse de Vitamine D Actes du Troisième Clloque FrancoRoumain de Chemie Appliquée - COFrRoCA, Bacau
2004 Mai Ionita Ionica, Albu Ana-Maria, Tarabasanu C., Badulescu Rodica, Radulescu Cristiana Photochromic Polymeric Materials. Synthesis and Characterization International Conference of  Polymeric Materials P2004, HAALE/SAALE, Germany
2004 Septembrie Popescu I.V., Cimpoca V. Protons and alfa particles beam interaction with material matrices 29th Annual ARA Congres of the American-Romanian Academy of Arts and Sciences (ARA), University of Applied Sciences, Bochum, Germany
2004 Septembrie Bancuta A., Popescu I.V., Stihi C., Busuioc G. Atomic absorbtion spectrometry in analysis of leaves trees  29th Annual ARA Congres of the American-Romanian Academy of Arts and Sciences (ARA), University of Applied Sciences, Bochum, Germany
2004 Septembrie Stihi C., Busuioc G., Popescu I.V. PIXE and ICP applications in analysis of biological and environmental samples  29th Annual ARA Congres of the American-Romanian Academy of Arts and Sciences (ARA), University of Applied Sciences, Bochum, Germany
2003 Octombrie Tudor A., Radulescu C., Petre I. Thermal efect of the brake shoes friction on the wheel/rail contact 8th International Tribology Conference ITC’ 03, Belgrad, Serbia
2003 Octombrie C. Radulescu, I. Oancea, L. Buruleanu Researches on the antifungal activity of some cationic colorants obtained through synthesis Simpozionul international „Euro-aliment 2003”, Galaţi
2003 Septembrie I.V.Popescu, V.Ciupina, M.Iordan, C.Stihi, A.Bancuta, G.Busuioc, G.Dima,M.Belc, Gh.Vlaicu Environmental samples analysis by atomic absorbtion spectrometry and inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectroscopy 4 th International Balkan Workshop on Applied Physics Constanta, Romania
2003 Septembrie C. Stihi, I.V. Popescu,  A. Bancuta, G. Busuioc, T. Badica Elemental Analysis Of Vegetables And Soil By Pixe Method  The 4th International Balkan Workshop on Applied Physics
2003 Septembrie I.V. Popescu, V. Ciupina, Claudia Stihi, Anca Bancuta, Gabriela Busuioc, G. Dima, M. Belc, Gh. Vlaicu Environmental Samples Analysis By Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (AAS) And Inductively Coupled Plasma -Optical Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-OES) The 4th International Balkan Workshop on Applied Physics
2003 Septembrie I.V. Popescu, T. Badica, Antoaneta Ene, Agata Olariu, C. Besliu High Sensitivity Analysis Method Of Trace Elements In Steel By Charged Particles Induced Prompt gamma-Ray Spectrometry (PIGE) The 4th International Balkan Workshop on Applied Physics
2003 Septembrie Antoaneta Ene, Alexandrina Nat, Roxana Lupu, Ion V.Popescu Determination Of Gold In Romanian Auriferous Alluvial Sands And Rocks By 14 Mev Neutron Activation Analysis The 4th International Balkan Workshop on Applied Physics
2003 Septembrie V. Cimpoca, I. Cernica, I.V. Popescu Volume Defects Produced In Sillicon Detectors By Neutron Irradiation  The 4th International Balkan Workshop on Applied Physics
2003 Noiembrie C. Stihi, G. Busuioc, I.V. Popescu, A. Bancuta, V. Cimpoca, T. Badica Microelemental Measurements Of Basella Leaves By Using Pixe Method  Physics International Conference TIM-03, Timisoara, Romania
2003 Noiembrie V. Cimpoca, I. Cernica, I.V.Popescu Limits Of Silicon Detectors By Nuclear Radiations Physics International Conference TIM-03, Timisoara, Romania
2003 Noiembrie C. Stihi, I.V. Popescu, A.Bancuta, G. Busuioc, V. Cimpoca, G.Dima, T. Badica Elemental Analysis Of Vegetables And Soil By Pixe Method Physics International Conference TIM-03, Timisoara, Romania
2003 Noiembrie I.V.Popescu,V. Cimpoca, O. Guguianu*, T. Badica Stopping Power Of Protons And Alpha Particles In Material Matrices Physics International Conference TIM-03, Timisoara, Romania
2003 Noiembrie G.D. Dima, L. Manea, I. V. Popescu, C. Stihi, A. Bancuta Microelemental Analysis Of Biomedical Samples By Nuclear Methods Physics International Conference TIM-03, Timisoara, Romania
2003 August C. Stihi, I.V. Popescu, A.  Bancuta, G.Busuioc, G.Dima Particle Induced X-Ray Emission (PIXE) and atomic Absorption Spectrometry (AAS) analysis of Basella Alba L Leaves The Fifth General Conference of the Balkan Physical Union BPU-5, Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia and Montenegro
2003 Octombrie C. Dumitrescu, C. Tarabasanu - Mihaila, L.M. Gorghiu, R.L. Olteanu A new Class of Developing Colours The 1st International Conference of  The Moldavian Chemical Society, "Achievements and Perspectives of Modern Chemistry", Chisinau, Republica Moldova
2003 Octombrie C. Dumitrescu, C. Tarabasanu - Mihaila Syntesis and Characteristics of some Azo Dyes The 1st International Conference of  The Moldavian Chemical Society, "Achievements and Perspectives of Modern Chemistry", Chisinau, Republica Moldova
2003 Octombrie L.M. Gorghiu, C. Dumitrescu, R.L.Olteanu, S. Jipa, T. Zaharescu The LDPE Thermostabilisation using some Dehydroabietic Acid Derivatives The 1st International Conference of  The Moldavian Chemical Society, "Achievements and Perspectives of Modern Chemistry", Chisinau, Republica Moldova
2003 Octombrie C. Radulescu, C. Tarabasanu- Mihaila, I. Ionita, A.M. Hossu Cationic Dyes Derivatives from Heterocycle System 2-Aminothiazolo[4,5-B]Chinoxalin-6-Carboxilic Acid The 1st International Conference of  The Moldavian Chemical Society, "Achievements and Perspectives of Modern Chemistry", Chisinau, Republica Moldova
2003 Octombrie R.L. Olteanu, C. Dumitrescu, L.M. Gorghiu Natural Modified Zeolites used in Water Cleaning with Organic Compounds Content 13th Romanian International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Bucuresti, Romania
2003 Septembrie C. Dumitrescu, C. Tarabasanu - Mihaila, L.M. Gorghiu, R.L. Olteanu Developing Colours,Derivatives Of 4-Hydroxy-6-Isothiocyanate-2-Naphtalene Sulphonic Acid 13th Romanian International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Bucuresti, Romania
2003 Septembrie C. Dumitrescu, C. Tarabasanu - Mihaila, L.M. Gorghiu, R.L. Olteanu Reactive Isothiocyanic Dyes, Derivativesof 4-Hydroxy-6-Isothiocyanate-2-Naphtalene Sulphonic Acid 13th Romanian International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Bucuresti, Romania
2003 Noiembrie L.M. Gorghiu, C. Dumitrescu, R.L.Olteanu, S. Jipa The Antioxidative Effect of C-60 Fullerene Derivatives in Electroinsulating Materials Thermooxidative Degradation International Symposium on Electrical Engineering ISEE, Targoviste, Romania
2003 Noiembrie L.M. Gorghiu, C. Dumitrescu, R.L. Olteanu, S. Jipa Thermal Stability of LDPE Insulating Materials Additivated with Dehydroabietic Acid Derivatives International Symposium on Electrical Engineering ISEE, Targoviste, Romania
2003 Iunie L.M. Gorghiu, S. Jipa, T. Zaharescu, R. Setnescu, I. Mihalcea The Effect of Metals on Thermal Degradation of Polyethylenes 7th Conference on Frontiers of  Polymers and Advanced Materials, Bucuresti, Romania
2003 Iunie R. Setnescu, S. Jipa, T. Setnescu, M. Kaci, G. Hebal, M. Dumitru, T. Zaharescu, I. Mihalcea Chemiluminescence Method for Investigation of Weathered and Photodegdade Polyethylene 7th Conference on Frontiers of  Polymers and Advanced Materials, Bucuresti, Romania
2003 Septembrie T. Zaharescu, R. Setnescu, S. Jipa, M. Kaci Polymer Stability by Oxygen Uptake Premier Seminaire National sur les Polymers et les Materiaux Mineraux, Bejaia, Algeria
2003 Septembrie R. Setnescu, S. Jipa, T. Setnescu, T. Zaharescu, M. Kaci Chemiluminescence a useful tool in study of polymer oxidation Premier Seminaire National sur les Polymers et les Materiaux Mineraux, Bejaia, Algeria
2003 Septembrie Laura Monica Gorghiu, Crinela Dumitrescu, R. L. Olteanu, S. Jipa, V. Dinoiu The study of protector effect of some chalcone derivatives in LDPE thermooxidative degradation 13th Romanian International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Bucuresti, Romania
2003 Septembrie Laura Monica Gorghiu, Crinela Dumitrescu, R. L. Olteanu, S. Jipa The stabilization effect of C-60 fullerene derivatives in LDPE 13th Romanian International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Bucuresti, Romania
2003 Septembrie R. Setnescu, Silviu Jipa, T. Setnescu, M. Dumitru, T. Zaharescu, N. Balasa, I. Mihalcea, M. Kaci Effectiveness of some photostabilisers assessed by chemiluminescence method 5-th Conference – New research trends in material science, ARM-3, Constanta 
2003 Septembrie L. M. Gorghiu, C. Dumitrescu, R. L. Olteanu, Silviu Jipa, R. Setnescu, T. Zaharescu CL- method used in antioxidative efficienci of some dehydroabietic acid derivatives in LDPE 5-th Conference – New research trends in material science, ARM-3, Constanta 
2003 Septembrie L. M. Gorghiu, C. Dumitrescu, I. Mihalcea W.Kappel, Silviu Jipa, R. Setnescu, T. Zaharescu The antioxidative activity of some C-60 fullerene derivatives on polyolefins 5-th Conference – New research trends in material science, ARM-3, Constanta 
2003 Septembrie L. M. Gorghiu, C. Dumitrescu, R. L. Olteanu, Silviu Jipa, R. Setnescu, T. Zaharescu Efficiency of some natural antioxidants on thermal stabilisation of LDPE 5-th Conference – New research trends in material science, ARM-3, Constanta 
2003 Septembrie T. Zaharescu, Silviu Jipa, R. Setnescu, L. M. Gorghiu, C. Podina, I. Mihalcea Radiation stability of polyethylene stabilised with abietic acid derivatives 5-th Conference – New research trends in material science, ARM-3, Constanta