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Manuscript Submission

TITLE OF PAPER (14 pt Bold)

First Author1, Second Author2, and Third Author3 (12 pt) (no titles please)
1First Organization, First Address (11 pt)
2Second Organization, Second Address (11 pt)

Abstract. This document is an example of a contribution to be submitted for the Journal of Science and Arts of Valahia University of Targoviste. This is the abstract in font size: 12 pt with the heading in bold. Please use the Times New Roman font. The title is in size 14 pt Bold (all capital letters), the names of the authors are in size 12 pt and the name of the organization and its address are in size 11 pt. The abstract is write as one column text, single-space, font size 12, italic. The text is in single-space, typed in a one column layout and font size 12 pt. Please do not number the pages.

Keywords: 3 or 5 words.

1. Introduction (Headings -12 pt bold)

Deadline for contributions:
Authors are kindly requested to adhere to the formatting instructions for font size and layout.

2. How to submit your document

Please send your contribution as an e-mail attachment to assoc. prof. PhD. eng. Radulescu Cristiana (, using Microsoft Word (Office 97 or higher for PCs) or on disc to be deposited at the conference secretary. Authors should indicate their contact address, daytime phone number if available. Authors will be notified by email if their contribution is accepted or if it required changes.

3. How to prepare your paper

In MS Word, under the File menu, choose Page setup and set the Top, Bottom, Left & Right Margins as 2.5 cm, the Gutter as 0 cm, and the Header and Footer to 1.2 cm and choose Apply to: Whole Document. Then select the "Paper Size" tab and set the Paper Size: A4 and Orientation: Portrait. It is also requested that the contributions should include an abstract, an introduction, conclusions and relevant references in addition to the paper itself.

4. Figures and Tables

Figure and table titles must be typed in bold and should appear below the figures and above the tables.

5. Equations

Equations must also fit into one column. If wider, could be placed as single column and counted from 1 to n numbers.


References should be numbered in the text in the order they are cited [1]. Multiple consecutive references may be abbreviated as [2-5]. The following style must be used for all contributions:
[1] Author-X (last/family name), A. B. (first & middle initials), Title of the book, Publisher, City of publication, Year, Page reference.
[2] Author-Y, C. D., and Author-Z, E. F., Name of the Journal / Proceedings, 83 (volume), 1526 (first page),
1998 (year).

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