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JSJR 3 Accommodation

Conference Secretariat booked an adequate number of rooms at Dambovita hotel for invited lecturers.  All the young participants will be accommodated at Valahia University Student Hostel.

Conference site

The three spots of interest in Targoviste for JSJR are:
·                       (A) The conference center, located at 39, Mr. Ion Alexandrescu
·                       (B) The accommodation (Dambovita Hotel) located at 1, Libertatii Blvd.
·                       (C) The accommodation (Valahia University Student Hostel) located at 13, Aleea Sinaia

Travel information

Travel from airport to Targoviste:

The airport closest to the conference site is Bucharest-Henri Coanda international airport, 70 km southeast of Targoviste. Participants will be picked-up at the airport on July, 24 and brought back on July,30.
On July, 24 will be two shipments. One that will take participants arriving at 14.30 and another that will take participants arriving at 23.30.
Please, follow the person which will display:
The 3rd joint seminar JINR-Romania
JULY 24-30, 2011

 Travel between Bucharest and Targoviste with train:

Information about train connections between Bucharest and Targoviste (~20lei one trip) we can find at the address:

Travel from Bucharest to Targoviste with bus:

            The bus between Bucharest and Targoviste can be taken from IDM Basarab bus station. There are buses every half of hour (~15 lei one trip)

Travel inside Targoviste:

Transport inside Targoviste related to the School schedule will be organized for all the participants. In other cases taxis may be used, with companies such as CAR TAXI (+40 245 944), COBA TAXI (+40 245 945) or AGEC TAXI (+40 724 998 640).