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What if your house could be more than just a space to live in?

With 23 partners from 8 countries, the @HorizonEU-funded project #RENplusHOMES_eu will reshape our perception of homes by developing #positiveenergy homes and districts.

1st general assembly of our new HEU project: Ren+Homes

On 7 and 8 November 2023, REN+HOMES’ partners met for their first general assembly at the Centre for Research and Technology, Hellas (CERTH) in Thessaloniki, Greece.

REN+HOMES aims to contribute to a sustainable transition by not only reducing carbon emissions but also addressing resource scarcity and energy poverty. In this respect, stakeholders are involved through education and participation programmes. Our goal is to establish a universal approach for developing positive energy homes and residential districts. This facilitates the transition to climate-neutral and energy-positive residential buildings.

More information on:

WORKSHOP: Multi-Energy Systems - Perspectives & learnings from ICSTM-UVT (University Campus)

:  October 11th, 2022
Participants: E-LAND partners, invited parties including local, regional and national stakeholders
Venue: Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Science and Technology from Valahia University of Targoviste (ICSTM-UVT)
Address: 13 Sinaia Alley, Targoviste, Dambovita County, Romania
What to expect:
ICSTM-UVT has participated in the Horizon 2020 project E-LAND as a pilot site since 2019. Now, that the four-year project is nearing its end, the E-LAND project and Valahia University of Targoviste are hosting a workshop dedicated to interested stakeholders. The event will include results and experiences from implementing the E-LAND toolbox’s:
  •           Co-creation activities with local stakeholders to enforce the role of communities as active players in implementing new technologies.
  •           Development of technology tools around the dynamics of existing communities from our Campus site.
  •           Integration of the system architecture along with legacy existing assets (installations and devices).
  •           Development of software solutions for device integration and energy management with the purpose of: shifting building loads using demand side management; optimal scheduling of thermal and electrical storage; storing excess generation in thermal network.
  •           Showcasing software toolboxes for Energy Planning Application and Multi Vector Simulation. 

By participating in this workshop, you will get a thorough understanding of what the E-LAND toolbox has to offer, and how it may impact your energy community or business. Or maybe you will be inspired by the experience of ICSTM-UVT to find the solution that makes sense to you. Either way, this is an opportunity to learn from our efforts, in becoming more energy efficient by managing energy consumption and production. Capacity is limited to 135 seats for physical participation. Secure your participation by filling out the form above before October 7th.

JOIN the event Online and then fill out our SURVEY

WORKSHOP: University campus, an energy island for a healthy study environment

As part of the European H2020 E-Land Project taking place at the ICSTM Research Institute from the Valahia University of Targoviste, a Workshop will take place on Monday, May 16th 2022. The hybrid event (with participants from Smart Innovation Norway and University of St.Gallen Switzerland) will host a delegation of 30 students from Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, who together with UVT students will discuss issues of:
- understanding the CO2 footprint that each energy user generates on the environment;
- decrease of primary energy consumption at the level of student dormitories;
- notions of efficient use of household appliances (session sponsored by Arctic SA);
- smart appliances operated in order to increase energy efficiency (Arctic SA presentation);
- the impact that secondary energy sources (photovoltaic and solar thermal) can have on university campus buildings;
- the impact of automation in buildings on the multiple sources of energy and storage used locally;

The co-creation activities will generate functional / measurable models and actions that will be exploited by researchers within the E-Land Project to adapt technological concepts to the local context in order to achieve a carbon-free University Campus status.

E-LAND Workshop Agenda

Connect: MS Teams / Youtube / Survey

keywords: kow-how exchange, multi-energy buildings, multi vector with storage, energy islands, student co-creation and stakeholder

Sister organisations:
MaCS - Uni. St. Gallen - SW
ENTREC - Tech Uni. Cluj - RO

Featured Events:

For other resources:


Excelență și Performanță pentru Creșterea Capacității Instituționale de CDI (ProExcelență).
Contract Nr.


The Conference Programme is structured in a session of oral presentations and 2 workshops into the topics of scientific and educational areas. These cover the range of energy research, information technology and applications with a special emphasis on the educational process and market-related trends. 
16 December 2021

S3UNICA know-how exchange interview

 After the 4th regional workshop conducted in the framework of S3UNICA Interreg Europe project, during the October know-how exchange event, Dorin Let presented the ICSTM Living Laboratory from Valahia University of Targoviste.

University as an Energy Island: Achieving carbon-neutrality with the ELAND Toolbox

Joint article published along with our colleagues from Reiner Lemoine Institute in the framework of H2020 E-Land project. Full paper
3rd E-Land newsletter release HERE

Integrated sustainable solutions for energy prosumers

 "Projects like E-LAND have the big opportunity to disrupt the energy market worldwide by inter-connecting in a symbiotic manner all aspects related to energy: electricity or gas delivery, microgrids, lighting, photovoltaic panels, equipment producers, BMS systems and so on. The main obstacle we foresee in this moment is related to the data integration and sense-making of the obtained data but we are sure that CREESC, together with other experts from various sectors, will manage to overcome.

Disruptive innovation is a concept that we try to put on the table in the E-LAND project and we strongly believe that the results obtained together with the Valahia University of Targoviste will become the first pillar of the interconnectivity of all various market segments related to energy by placing in the middle of the interests the unknown energy islands."

Gabriel Souca
Vicepresident CREESC
General Manager Energo ESCO

Read full article on: ENERGYNOMICS.RO