First meeting of the stakeholder inovation group under E-Land framework
During the Covid-19 pandemic, our consortium partners continued their efforts in advancing IA actions in the E-Land H2020 project framework.WEBINAR: Business model innovation in energy – the confluence of locality, digitization and sector coupling
ofers answers about: What does the future bring to society with the transformation of the energy sector to more renewable and decentralized energy? What is the role of the consumers and what does future business models in the industry look like?
For more information and the recorded sessions please visit: LINK
18th National Conference of New and Renewable Energy Sources - CNSNRE 2019
Chairman's Message:Dear Member of the Renewable Energy Sources Community,
It is my great pleasure to invite you to participate in the topical National Conference CNSNRE 2019, the XVIII edition - a great opportunity to network with scientists, engineers, policy makers and other specialists and to promote Renewable Energy Sources -RES.
CNSNRE 2019 will provide a forum for discussions in the respect of:
RES – Building the Sustainable Energy Future;
12 European partners receive top ranking and win ground-breaking EU Horizon 2020 project
With their unique project proposal, named E-LAND, the consortium partners were ranked 1st among 24 competing applications. The project has a budget of 6 M€.Later update: project site just lunched
International Conference of the Chemical Societies of the South-East European Countries
Dear Colleagues,
On behalf of the Romanian Chemical Society, we cordially thank you for registration and for paper submission to the 9th International Conference of the Chemical Societies of the South-Eastern European Countries (ICOSECS9), «Chemistry a Nature Challenger», which will be held from 8th to 11thof May 2019, in Targoviste, Romania.
National Chemistry Conference (pre-university education, 10th edition)
Avem deosebita plăcere de a vă invita să participaţi la a X-a ediție a Conferinţei Naţionale de Chimie - Învățământul Preuniversitar. Științele exacte în cuvinte potrivite: interdisciplinaritate și excelență în educație care va avea loc la Centrul Internațional de Conferințe din cadrul UNIVERSITĂȚII VALAHIA DIN TÂRGOVIŞTE (UVT), în perioada 14 – 16 septembrie 2018
CNSNRE 2017 - New and Renewable Energy Sources National Conference
A 17-a editie, 23-24 noiembrie 2017, Targoviste, Amfiteatrul ICSTM
Business & Innovation Network - Scientific communications session
În perioada 31 mai – 1 iunie 2017, în cadrul evenimentelor „Valahia 25” din amfiteatrul ICSTM, a avut loc Sesiunea de comunicări ştiinţifice Business & Innovation Network (BIN@Targoviste2017).Succes românesc în finala concursului internațional de microrobotică IEEE ICRA MMC 2017 de la Singapore
Echipa Universității ”Valahia” din Târgoviște, formată din două cadre didactice, un cercetător și trei studenți (doi doctoranzi și un masterand) a câștigat una din cele trei probe din cadrul concursului de microrobotică - Mobile Microrobotics Challenge (MMC 2017). Competiția a fost dedicată roboticii de precizie la scară micrometrică și a reunit universități și centre de cercetare din întreaga lume.