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Through the project won in the Sectorial Operational Programme Increase of Economic Competitivenes POSCCE-A2-O2.2.1-2009-4, a project entitled “Multidisciplinary
Scientific and Technologic Research Institute”, the building of the institute was built in the campus, where, now, the activity of the fundamental and applied research in the UVT is conducted.

Research main directions targeted by the project are:
  • Renewable Energy Resources (RES) – which required the developement of 9 working laboratories concerning cells and photovoltaic modules, thermo-electric and solar thermal generators, micro-hydro-turbine and micro-wind generators, biofuels – design, modeling and simulation in RES, materials used in energy conversion, store of the renewable energy, electrical and electronic systems used in RES, mechanical and automation systems used in RES;
  • Sustainable development using RES – has 4 laboratories - physical and structural characterization of materials, chemical and biological characterization of materials, monitoring the environment quality, unconventional technologies in environment protection;
  • Renewable energy production and distribution – is covered in 7 laboratories - building energy integration, energy conversion in specific networks, autonomous systems and energetic management, energetic and efficiency insurance, energy management systems for distributed intelligent networks, software technologies in designing of RES systems, management and economic-financial analysis of power systems.
The Institute is equipped with the latest communication computers with software for designing and modeling in specific research areas. Among the most representative features that ICSTM laboratories are equipped with, we can include: experimental photovoltaic platform, experimental wind power platform, experimental thermosolar platform, system for developing and prototyping PV modules, inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy (ICP-MS), electric vacuum deposition and dielectric layers by sputtering, surface electronic microscope (SEM), facility for processing micromaterials and microchannels with ion beam focused (FIB), atomic force microscope (AFM), laser ablation, nanoindenter.
Research infrastructure is spread over an area of 6720 m2 developed area and 2220 m2 built area, which includes research laboratories and its own administrative body.
The institute activities will be reflected in research regarding:
advanced materials, components, devices with applicability in the development of renewable energy specific systems and the integration of renewable energy in buildings with impact on increasing energy efficiency, reducing consumption of materials and fuels.

More details on the projects site: